International African American Museum
Charleston, SC, USA
MUSEUM OVERVIEW Opened on June 24, 2023, the International African American Museum (IAAM) honors the untold stories of the African American journey at one of our country's most sacred sites. The museum is about a journey that began centuries ago in Africa, and still continues. It is about the journey of millions of Africans, captured and forced across the Atlantic in the grueling and inhumane Middle Passage, who arrived at Gadsden's Wharf in Charleston, South Carolina and other ports in the Atlantic World. Their labor, resistance, and ingenuity - and that of their descendants - have shaped every aspect of our world. IAAM has become a champion of authentic, empathetic storytelling of African American history and thus is one of the nation's newest platforms for the disruption of institutionalized racism as America continues the walk toward "a more perfect union." Named among TIME magazine's "World's Greatest Places 2024," featured in The New York Times, and the recipient of...