Ashley Rountree
Lexington, KY, USA
ABOUT LEXINGTON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Lexington Theological Seminary (LTS), founded in 1865, as the first seminary of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), is an accredited graduate theological institution engaged in preparing men and women for congregational ministry. Consistent with the Disciples' historic commitment to Christian unity, the seminary is intentionally ecumenical in its world view, its programs, and the composition of the student body, faculty, staff, trustees, and partner organizations. Our mission is to prepare faithful leaders for the church of Jesus Christ, and, thus, to strengthen the church's participation in God's mission for the world. We are a historic seminary built for today's pastors, church leaders and theologians. The creativity, imagination, and courage of the seminary's faculty allowed us to transform the educational model for clergy preparation to integrate the congregation as a full partner in the preparation of pastors for leadership in...